Winston Smith is a low-positioning member of the ruling Party in London, in the country of Oceania. Wherever Winston goes, even in his own home, the Party watches him through telescreens; wherever he looks he sees the substance of the Party’s all-knowing pioneer, a figure referred to just as Big Brother. The Party controls everything in Oceania, even individuals’ set of experiences and language.
Winston Smith is a low-positioning member of the ruling Party in London, in the country of Oceania.
SKU: | 9391464726 |
Category: | Sci-Fi |
Tags: | Sci-fi, Trade Books |
Weight | 0.37 kg |
Dimensions | 20.32 × 12.7 × 1.3 cm |
book-author | |
format | |
Language | English |
Page Count | 309 |
Unit Count | 1 |
ISBN-10 | 9391464726 |
ISBN-13 | 9789391464721 |
Country of Origin | India |
Manufacturer Contact Information | 12/651 Opp. Arvindo Park, Near Jama Masjid, Indira Nagar, Lucknow – 226016 |
Brand Name | EduGorilla |
Publisher | Edugorilla Community Private Limited |
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